After many long, hot hours under the island's sun, and with the help of the native locals, their home was built. During the building and socializing of those that lived already in Sulani, Robert and Xavia came to learn of a legend.

It was told to the locals their dream of making the island flourish with life again. They were told in turn of a legend. It was believed by some that to bring birth to the island, one had to bring to birth children upon it. The more children that were born, the more beautiful Sulani would become.

Both Robert and Xavia were skeptical. But since neither had any issue with having a large family and seeing as she was already pregnant when they moved, they smiled at the fanciful idea the natives presented to them. If it could be true who were they to not try?

Another belief or legend was that a blessing would come upon those that dreamed of bringing the island back to life through the births of their children. It was said their pregnancies would be special. Special in what way? It was not said. They learned soon enough when Xavia gave birth not to one but to two. Ben and Brenda are precious. They are adored.

Robert and Xavia also learned of another blessing the island supposedly gave to them. Fertility. It was not long after Ben and Brenda were born that Xavia became aware of another pregnancy. Husband and wife rejoiced with the news. They began to wonder. Maybe the legends were true.